This is one of my favorite pictures of the kiddos. My oldest was about 16-17 there, daughter is 14-15, and lil bit was 5-6. This is the Modern Museum of Art in Chicago. 

For the fourth day of the challenge (find it here), we’re supposed to pick a photo that shows four. Well, since Facebook decided that the name I was using wasn’t a real name, they seized my account and hundreds of my pictures, after my computer crashed. Long story short, I lost a ton of awesome pictures. While this picture has FIVE people in it, one of them is me!

My beautiful foursome: and me. 

This picture was taken about a year ago, right before my oldest (on the right) left for the Air Force. On the left is the hubbs, lil bit on my lap, and my beautiful daughter (we think she’s the milklady’s).