The lights will inspire you…Big dreams all looking pretty- Jay-Z

Today’s All About Me writing prompt, found here, is about our five greatest accomplishments. Don’t worry, I’m not going to mom out and say something stupid like my three kids. Yes, I’m extraordinarily proud of them, but they are not my accomplishments. Their accomplishments are theirs and they should claim them. Likewise, the hubbs accomplishments are not mine. Accomplishments, I believe, can only be thing you can claim have happen or have come to fruition thanks in large part to your own efforts.

First, my decision to go back to school with two small children, after just getting divorced was a huge accomplishment. My schooling in general is probably what I am most proud of all around. It was not an easy decision. Being almost 25, just leaving an abusive relationship, with two children ages 3 and 5, intimidating would be an understatement. I decided I would really decide what I wanted to do since I was older, I needed direction. I wanted to do something in the medical field (I had to change from Peds ER to Psychology when I hurt my back. I’ve discussed it multiple times elsewhere.) I was really proud of myself for making this choice and I’ve never regretted it once.

My second big accomplishment was graduating with my Bachelor degree. I was pregnant with my 11 year old at that time and blissfully unaware of what awaited me once he would be born. I remember walking, with my 8 month pregnant belly, while my mother, my children (now 8 and 10), and my husband of just over a year watched on, and I felt like I had really done something special. It was a beautiful moment.

The day I found out my bachelor thesis was published in the University of Memphis library was a great day. A major university had something I had written in it! Wow, that was so cool. I don’t talk about the thesis I did for my bachelor’s often, mainly because it seems like it was so long ago. However, it was called Disparities in the ER and was about disparities based on sexual orientation, religion, race, age, etc. I surveyed students in a variety of my classes of all ages, sexes, races, and more. I certainly felt accomplished that day!

My next big accomplishment would be finishing my Master’s degree. After I had the first surgery and Gavin was about 5, I began my Masters of Science in Psychology. Two years later, I completed it, along with a thesis. My thesis was called Adult’s Perceptions of Children and Adolescents Use of Medical Cannabis (for ADHD, Austism, Seizure Disorders, Cancer, etc). Thanks to my amazing thesis advisor, I was able to get this published and approved via my thesis board so that I might receive my degree.

Finally, when I began Global Media Mavens, I took it to quite a few people. No one seemed as excited as I was, until I met my partner, so I thought. Five weeks into the starting of our business, after the business cards were printed, and our first client was signs, my partner up and quit on me. I had two roads to go then. One, I only started because I had a partner to help with  the techie aspect, the part I lack. I no longer had this so I could quit. Two, I could change the tactic of my business, focus on what I WAS good at, and continue anyway. I choose to continue, because failure is not an option.

If you want to accomplish things, what is not an option for you?

Follow me on (Twitter) @annalevensonpsy (Instagram) annalevensonpsy (FB) Anna Psy Levenson (tublr) linusbaby1998 (pinterest) Anna Levenson

Check out my labor of love, Global Media Mavens (Twitter) @global_media1 (instagram) globalmediamavens (FB) Global Media Mavens (Pinterest) Global Media Mavens