Just to show the sad state of music today. THIS came up with the name Entertain Us. I’m so disappointed in the youth of today at times *sigh* but, what can I say…. It fits. 

The lovely Niki, over at A Texan’s view of Upstate NY nominated me for the Entertainer Blogger Award! I always strive to get my message across in an entertaining way so this is a real treat! Thank you Niki! Without further ado…..

Here are the rules: Display the award image on your blog, answer the three questions below in a post, thank the person that nominated you, and nominate 12 other blogs. Be sure to link to their “about” page so they get notified, btw. 

Yep! That’s what I’m about! 

Why did you start the blog in the first place?
I’ve always enjoyed writing, but I was not a fiction writer. After many years of school, over 100 papers,and 2 theses (one @50 pages and one @75), I realized I could write and it didn’t have to be fiction. I was writing a book a few years ago and sent out a round of query letters, with few to no bites (one of my favorite responses I talked about in Vaginas, Blue Balls, and Boobies: Oh My!! (Original 03/11/15) I read and researched. I found the best way to get an agent, which is the best way to ensure success of a book, was to develop an “online presence” and the rest, as they say, is history!

What is your favorite book?
Wow there are so many amazing books out there, but my favorite author is hands down Dean R. Koontz and my favorite books of his are Lightening, Watchers, and the Odd Thomas series! .

What is your favorite pastime activity?
I am going to sound like a total dork right here, so I might as well own it. I love to learn. I really love to read, but if I can read and learn a new skill, I just love that. My favorite saying is “Learn Something New Everyday!” and I’m sure all 3 of my kiddos can attest they’ve heard this no less than a billion times!

My nominees in no particular order are: 

Random Writings on the Bathroom Wall

AUI’s Den


Tarnished Soul

Cornfed Contessa


The Much Awaited Doll

Introversion beyond Imaginary


On the Right Path

Roberta Pimentel


I hope you will all take time to connect. You guys have NO idea how hard it was to pick 12, please don’t be offended if you were not picked! It by no way means you aren’t awesome too!


Blessed be

Follow me on (Twitter) @annalevensonpsy (Instagram) annalevensonpsy (FB) Anna Psy Levenson (tublr) linusbaby1998 (pinterest) Anna Levenson

Check out my labor of love, Global Media Mavens (Twitter) @global_media1 (instagram) globalmediamavens (FB) Global Media Mavens (Pinterest) Global Media Mavens