I adore you. I’ve loved you for a thousand years and I’ll love you for a thousand more-Christina Perri (aka, the Twilight song)

A beautifully signed (using ASL) version of this song. It actually brought tears to my eyes so I figure its perfect for the sentiment I’m going for here…

The spouses of those of us with chronic illness really deserve some kind of medal. Like a medal of valor. They made it through this war with us and we’ve had a surprisingly few number of casualties kind of thing. I’ve made no secret of the fact that the hubbs and I have had problems, EVERY couple does. Some couples have worse problems than others, but deciding to weather these storms together requires a strength of character that not everyone has.

Sorry, the country is already using the medal of valor.

I was talking to my partner in my new business venture (shameless plug: check us out Global Media MavensFacebookTwitter, & Instagram: globalmediamavens), the awesome computer half, Lydia about how great our hubbs are. Lydia and I met through our blogs. She then joined my invisible illness support group, Suffering in Silence. As it turns out, we are pretty much the perfect pair. As I explained to her the other day, do you know how it sounds to Charlie Brown when his teacher talks? This is how tech talk sounds to me. Social media and marketing are mysteries for her. It turns out to be an amazing match. I feel pretty freaking lucky.

Even so, without our amazing men behind us (and they are!), we couldn’t do half of what we do. Both Lydia and I have chronic illness that lead us to consistently feel we’re letting the other down or that we need to apologize if we need to take a break. We’ve resolved to not make apologies constantly and we continue to try to take the pressure that (mostly from our own doing) we put upon ourselves. Likewise, in my marriage (since I can’t speak for anyone else) I have learnt to quit apologizing for things beyond my control. The hubbs said to me one day many years ago something to the effect of, okay, I get it so you don’t have to keep explaining and apologizing. Then he slowly began to take on more grocery shopping and cooking, tasks that can often be overwhelming for me if I’m in pain.

I couldn’t do it without you babe and I wouldn’t want to either.

Follow me @AnnaLevensonPsy (Twitter), annalevensonpsy (Instagram), and Anna Psy Levenson (FB)

Check out my newest labor of love, Global Media Mavens, with the lovely Lydia.  Find us on (FB)Global Media Mavens (twitter) @global_media1 (Instagram) globalmediamavens and help us get the word out!! Thanks guys!!